Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Gay Marriage

What is a common taboo that keeps coming up in the news? Gay marriage. As in should they have the right to be married like “normal” heterosexual people. Well, yes, they should. They are people, they pay taxes, raise families, why should they be denied the right to be legally bound by the vows of marriage if they wish to?

I cannot understand people opposed to this. What people do behind their closed doors if they are consenting adults is of no concern to anyone but the people involved. They are denied benefits, rights, all kinds of things because of this not being legally recognized everywhere. Some states and provinces and countries, only 4% of the world's population as of yet, allow gay marriages.

Pretty sad when people loving each other is considered a taboo, yet it is in most of the world for gay couples that just want the same rights as everyone else. So many people still consider homosexuality taboo in and of itself, let alone allow them to marry and have civil liberties like everyone else.

In many countries they still want to put homosexuals to death, they certainly don’t want them thinking they are the same as anyone else. There should be no “gay marriage”, there should just be marriage for everyone. Gay or straight, just marriage for one, marriage for all.

It’s amazing to me that arranged marriages still exist, which are so restrictive, yet marriage between willing partners is not allowed. I can’t grasp it.

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