If you think being “taken” against your will is a scary thing, that’s nothing if the one “taking” you is not of this world. Ones have reported being molested, raped and even made love to by
ghosts for hundreds of years. If you believe a person has a soul, then a
ghost isn’t really so far fetched, it’s just a soul not currently in a
body. Yes, most “move on”, but some are unable to leave the earthly
plane they were accustomed to and form attachments to people.
Sometimes these attachments can get physical. Ones are usually very
reluctant to mention these sorts of experiences, since most know they
will be mocked and disbelieved, so it’s easier just to keep it to
yourself, so many cases, likely most, would go unreported. And if what the spirit is doing is pleasurable, I doubt you would be
going around telling anyone and chancing ruining a good thing.
Sometimes the phantom lover is a spouse who suddenly passes away and is unable to leave their spouse behind. Hollywood has touched on this theme in a few different movies, but
sex with spirits wasn’t quite shown. “Ghost” was a popular movie of a
man that couldn’t leave his lady behind. There was also a t.v. movie
with a cult following with Jane Seymour called “The Haunting Passion”. Very good movie about this very
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