Have you ever had naughty thoughts about a sibling? Well if you have,
you’re not alone. Brother/sister incest is the most common type of
incest there is, and it can be consensual. Most obviously want to keep
it a secret for many reasons.
Incest of all kinds is a long standing taboo in almost all cultures.
In royal families though, marriage between siblings was frequent to
maintain the purity of the bloodlines. And even today, worldwide around
20% of all marriages are between cousins.
But this little blog here is about brother/sister incest. Imagine the
clandestine excitement of consensual sibling incest in the same house
as your parents, trying to avoid getting caught. Trying to avoid being
heard, yet wanting to get off with each other as much as possible.
Living for the weekends when mom and dad might be away and trust you two
to be good alone in the house together. But they of course have no idea
that you two will be fucking each others brains out from the time they
pull out of the driveway until the key is in the lock to get back in…..
Naughty, dirty, sneaky kids. Worried your friends might find out.
Masturbating like fiends when you can’t safely get access to each other,
so touching yourselves when you can’t and imagining you’re touching
each other. Yes, this is one secret that is best kept between the two of
you forever. Not everyone will understand your special bond. There’s
nothing like the love of ones own family.
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