Sunday, October 12, 2014


Many look on the swinging lifestyle as a taboo activity. Many couple have issues with cheating of course, but most that run around on their partner do so behind their partners back.

Ones into swinging are actually being more honest, doing so with their partners permission. But too much honesty isn’t for everyone. Sometimes the illicit, secret fun is half the fun of an affair. If you’re doing it in front of your partners, that aspect of sneaking around on the sly and having your naughty little secret is gone.

Swinging has been around for centuries of course, mainly among intellectuals, and in North America became more widespread on of all places, military bases and spread outward. Since many military men faced an uncertain future due to combat and accidents, they became closer than the average co workers and many times pledged to take care of each others wives should they not return from war. So many military couples bonded as close friends and took things to a deeper level. I can understand how if you never knew if you’d be returning from a mission, perhaps you’d be more apt to engage in pleasures you otherwise might not.

The advent of the birth control pill also gave people a freedom from worry over pregnancy that made them more adventuresome.

There are many swinging clubs today, and many require full blood workups to join ensuring the ones joining are disease free, and regular testing is required as well. Society’s love of monogamy, even though not everyone practices it, makes people that openly swing a bit taboo according to many.

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