Just when you think you have heard and read it all, you come across
something so odd, you can’t believe your eyes. I came across something
called “Scrotal Infusion”. Now what may you ask is scrotal infusion?
It’s where a man decides his balls are just a wee bit small and he’d
like something bigger to impress the ladies.
And what do you think he does to increase their size? An implant
operation? No. Eating more Wheaties to get his manly strength up? No.
Well I will tell you what he does, he gets an I.V. bag, and a tube and a
needle and injects fluid into his balls. I kid you not. If done
properly, in time, over a few days, the fluid of saline solution will
become absorbed by the body, so I guess he just needs to plump up his
boys before a hot date, really…
Well big shocker here, some geniuses that have tried this have done
it improperly and had their balls swollen up very badly and needed to
get medical help when their bodies didn’t absorb the fluid. I read of
one case where a man had injected 2 litres, that’s 8 cups, 4 cups per
ball, of fluid. It’s unbelievable anyone would try such a thing, but do
they really think women want a guy with testicles the size of
basketballs? Really?
I will never forget an odd caller that spoke lovingly of a man he
wanted yet never got and how his testicles were “The size of honeydew
melons.” As I tried very hard to suppress laughter as this man waxed
poetic on another man’s cock and balls for over 2 hours, I couldn’t
believe all that I was hearing. Holding that laughter back on that call
was incredibly hard. From the tip of his cock that was, “Like the tip of
a jeweled scepter”, to the honeydew melon sized balls, I couldn’t
believe my ears for the most part at the bizarre descriptions I was
hearing. I swear after 2 hours, I’d loved to have seen a picture of this
cock and balls myself, as they were made out to be the most perfect
specimens of male genitalia in all of humanity. So you too can have the
balls of your dreams only an I.V. bag and a injection away……WTF is next I
ask myself…..
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