Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Booby Trap

To many selling oneself is a taboo, but we all also know that prostitution is the world’s oldest  profession, and with good reason. France has always been a forward thinking country, and I found it amusing when I read about how during the last number of wars it was involved in, there were mobile prostitution units sent out to the front lines for soldiers to find a bit of comfort and relief with.

It seems a sensible thing, really, the poor fellows are stressed and fighting all day, do they not deserve a bit of female companionship to relax with, their lives are on the line! The mobile units were infamous for their spreading of disease though, so I’m guess they were not having safe sex, but the idea is a sensible one in theory.

British officers made it a point to try and visit the same whore’s the German officers did, in the hopes of getting some useful strategic pillow talk, and it did work a number of times. Loose lips really do sink ships.

Whore’s have always followed the men for business, war camps are good place for a whore to set up shop. She will have stressed men that need comforting, not much competition, it makes a lot of sense.
If not for the disease issue, it is a grand idea, as most fighting takes place outside of towns and cities where brothels are normally in operation. Cat houses aren’t known to set up shop in the middle of nowhere, except in Nevada, but that’s a different story.

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